Dear Stats: I hate you with the burning passion of a thousand suns
As I’m certain you can ascertain from the subject of this entry, I cannot say that I am enjoying my summer. This is for one reason and one reason only. I detest Statistics. This the last hurtle I have to jump to get my degree, and I have to admit that I’m terrified its not going to happen. I’ve never failed a class, and I certainly don’t want to in my final year.
So, as a result, this has not been the happiest summer ever. In fact, I can’t wait till fall. Not only will I be back on top in classes that I understand and enjoy, but hopefully being in those classes will also reinstate my level of confidence. Nothing like feeling inadequate all summer long to bring down the self confidence. Don’t get me wrong-I’m not losing my mind or thinking that I’m a total idiot. Most students have had this experience. The “I hate university why did I even bother?” experience. That doesn’t make it suck any less, but at least I’m not alone.
Its also tough to spend ones entire summer in classes while those around you are making money at work or going on vacation. (Yes, this is the pity me boo-hoo waa section of my blog). I would love to come home from a 9 hour shift where I made some coin and then use that coin to go out for dinner, go to the movies, or have a couple of drinks with friends. But alas, I guess that will have to wait. I know that this is going to be over soon enough, and I can return to school that much closer to my degree. Besides, this way, I don’t have the “oh shit, summer is almost over and I have to go back to school soon!!” sinking feeling that a lot of students get. I’ll get a sweet 2 weeks off between the end of summer classes and fall semester. Really, that’s all I need. I won’t have to get back into a school groove after 4 months off. Hey hey, yippee for silver linings!!
I have more to say, but I have to go study for my mid-term. Sigh. Wish me luck!
-K PS: I have in fact locked myself away from society so that I have a chance of passing this damn class. So if you are one of the many who has called or tried to pry me out of my academic shell, I am sorry! I promise-as soon as I'm done this class, I will be fit to re-join society. Till then, keep in touch! Christine, Chel, Holly, and Magda I really am sorry!
Statistics are my kryptonite
Wow, have I ever slacked off in the blogging department. That’s okay, though, I think that even the most avid bloggers drop off during the summer months. (Chershey, I’m looking at you). Anyway, lots of neat things have happened to me recently. Lemme see...well, I finished all of my spring classes, and lost a vast majority of my sanity doing so. Due to circumstances vastly beyond my control, I got a few extensions to keep my sanity intact.
As for fun times, I ended up missing a Gothic Club camping dealie (which I was disappointed with. I hope it rocked, Kath!) However, I did manage to bond with nature as Geoff, Holly, Lindsay and myself went camping at the end of last month. I didn’t know that I had allergies till we went on this trip. Long and snotty story short, Geoff has now banned me from playing in poplar. I was not the only sufferer, though. Holly joined me in my snotty sojourn in Geoff’s brand-spanking new vehicle, The Humidor. (It’s an Outlander for anyone who is wondering) This lovely piece of craftsmanship provided the only relief to allergy sufferers with its massively powerful a/c, and Geoff was kind enough to waste gas and let us sit in it. Yup. It’s true. Plus, have you ever slept beside an acute allergy sufferer? Geoff got brownie points for not making me sleep outside. It must have been awful.
As with all stories, this one can not be limited to its highlights of snot. Good things happened, too. For example, playing drunken Apples to Apples was an awesome time. We had some great campfires, and had a blast just hanging out in general. We all had fun. Holly and Lindsay got to read magazines, I got to read my books and got a wicked burn that faded into a tan, and Geoff got to have a million naps in a bazillion degree heat. In fact, he perfected napping…wake up, smoke, eat, nap, wake up, eat lunch, nap…once in a while I dragged him for a walk or a ruined sunset, but he still got lots of napping. Which to Geoff, is the ultimate purpose of camping.
So my quick break from school was fun. I worked a lot, and luckily got to hang out with my three awesome colleges, Trudy, Holly, and Danielle. Trudy and I have gotten along with our mutual hatred for One Stop and all carnies in general since we started working together. Holly (aka Dingle) and I have been extremely tight buds for years, and Danielle is the newcomer to my list of Awesome Co-Workers That I Actually Think Are Cool. She’s soft-spoken, quiet, and cuter then hell. She’s also spoken for-sorry gents.
Anyway, the point of this particular section of ramble is that that Holly and I got out to see Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead Mans Chest after work the other night. Now, I don’t often go into praise of movies unless they a) were made in 1939 b) allow me to get jiggy with the Potter or c) feature some sort of a pulp detective and bombshell known only as ‘dame’. But this particular movie was absolutely fantastic. Seriously, fabulous. And what a cliff-hanger. Oh man, I can’t wait till the final edition. Anyway, more praise will only end in plot-spoilers and a rant about Johnny Depp and the inherently sexy effect smudged eyeliner has on a man.
Moving right along. Some interesting changes have been taking place over at this apartment. Namely, Jordan and I have gotten a new resident. After more then a year of dating and much deliberation on my behalf, Geoff and I have taken the next step in our relationship and have decided to live together. As of the 15th, this will officially be the Abel-Gledhill-Fisk residence. We’re in the process of moving right now, so half of Geoff’s belongings are at his old place, and half are in this one. Not too long ago, he called me and announced that while I was getting my nails done, he had taken it upon himself to move in all the necessities, and he would be spending the nights here from now on. After a bewildered silence, I responded with an “Okay, then”. So we pretty much live together now, but have to wait till the 15th to move things like electronics and the like. It’s pretty much the only time we have available. But so far, it’s been good. He passed his first test, which was watching Harry Potter with me on the new flatscreen. Yup. I think we’ll be fine. But Geoff never ever reads my blog, so stay tuned for mildly amusing and potentially embarrassing stories.
And now for the final bit of news, and the reason why this is such a disgustingly long post about nothing. I’m currently taking Stats 141 in summer session. Anyone who knows me knows my hatred for math and all math-related things. I’m pretty freaked about this class, and the fact that I’m mathematically impaired (and lets face it, retarded) makes the next six weeks seem like an unbearable Hell from which there will be no escape. Not at all dramatic. Anyway, it’s an evening class, and I’m doing Stats at home all day long to try and keep my head above water. I also need to get a tutor, but I don’t know how to call up a complete stranger and elicit their services. “Uh…hi. Peter? I’m a complete moron who needs your help in Stats. Will you tutor me? No? Can you recommend someone who can? No? Okay, thanks…” I don’t even want a good grade in this class…I just want to pass it and get the fuck on with life. I wrote a little ditty on top of my scribbler before class yesterday:
Oh Stats, how I loathe thee
But alas, I must have you
For this fucking degree.
Oh yeah. You know you’re jealous.
Quote du Jour
“ I’ll give you a dragon!”
-Keltie or Jordan at any given time