Sunday, July 30, 2006

Dear Stats: I hate you with the burning passion of a thousand suns


As I’m certain you can ascertain from the subject of this entry, I cannot say that I am enjoying my summer. This is for one reason and one reason only. I detest Statistics. This the last hurtle I have to jump to get my degree, and I have to admit that I’m terrified its not going to happen. I’ve never failed a class, and I certainly don’t want to in my final year.

So, as a result, this has not been the happiest summer ever. In fact, I can’t wait till fall. Not only will I be back on top in classes that I understand and enjoy, but hopefully being in those classes will also reinstate my level of confidence. Nothing like feeling inadequate all summer long to bring down the self confidence. Don’t get me wrong-I’m not losing my mind or thinking that I’m a total idiot. Most students have had this experience. The “I hate university why did I even bother?” experience. That doesn’t make it suck any less, but at least I’m not alone.

Its also tough to spend ones entire summer in classes while those around you are making money at work or going on vacation. (Yes, this is the pity me boo-hoo waa section of my blog). I would love to come home from a 9 hour shift where I made some coin and then use that coin to go out for dinner, go to the movies, or have a couple of drinks with friends. But alas, I guess that will have to wait. I know that this is going to be over soon enough, and I can return to school that much closer to my degree. Besides, this way, I don’t have the “oh shit, summer is almost over and I have to go back to school soon!!” sinking feeling that a lot of students get. I’ll get a sweet 2 weeks off between the end of summer classes and fall semester. Really, that’s all I need. I won’t have to get back into a school groove after 4 months off. Hey hey, yippee for silver linings!!

I have more to say, but I have to go study for my mid-term. Sigh. Wish me luck!


PS: I have in fact locked myself away from society so that I have a chance of passing this damn class. So if you are one of the many who has called or tried to pry me out of my academic shell, I am sorry! I promise-as soon as I'm done this class, I will be fit to re-join society. Till then, keep in touch! Christine, Chel, Holly, and Magda I really am sorry!


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