Thursday, April 27, 2006

So very random

Exams have been over for 24 hours, and I’m bored out of my mind. I’m glad they’re over, don’t get me wrong. But damn. How do housewives do it? Well, then again, I bet housewives don’t vegetate on the couch watching Scrubs distractedly because they are feeling guilty about vegetating on the couch.
I decided not to be a total loser, and I decided I wanted to make something to eat. And then I discovered that I REALLY have to learn how to cook. I’m going to be the worst girlfriend ever when Geoff moves in- I can’t cook worth a damn. See, I decided that I was in the mood for beef, so I defrosted these beef stir-fry strips that I bought about two months ago. But I got sick of waiting for them to defrost, so I tossed them in the sink full of hot water. I then came back to a pinkish looking sink and waterlogged beef about 20 mins later. I figured that it would burn off when I cooked it. (I’m still waiting for the e.coli to set in. So far, so good.) Anyway, I cut up a whole whack of veggies, and did the whole stir-fry thing, complete with rice. I also burned my arm, wrist, breast (I leaned over the skillet to check on the rice in a tank top. Rookie mistake.) and somehow managed to melt this plastic mushroom-scrubber thingie I have. Well, had. Anyway, it was pretty tasty. Not tasty like I would ever make it for company or serve it to a living soul, but it involved more then heating up a pot of boiling water, so I’m proud…in a “retarded monkey managed to cook something” sort of way.
But hot damn, can I clean. I’m something of a clean freak, which I never saw coming, and my mother still disbelieves. But I’m constantly tidying, doing the dishes, scrubbing the floors, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, and vacuuming at least once a week. Jordan and I are supposed to share the cleaning duties, but he never does his. And it makes me really sad when he doesn’t do it, because I feel like he’s disrespecting me, and I try really hard to maintain the peace and be a good roomie. This hasn’t changed in the entire time we’ve been living together, and I guess he either doesn’t notice or care that it makes me feel like shit. But a month ago he promised to clean the floors, and he never did it.
However, to his credit, he does take out the trash…sometimes without ever being asked. And he puts up with most of my stupid rules, like no loud music and not putting certain dishes in the dishwasher. And we get along really well, which makes it all worthwhile. Plus, he puts up with my bullshit, and once when I was doing laundry and dishes at the same time, a pair of my freshly laundered panties somehow wound up in a bowl in the cupboard. He discovered this while I was having a faux birthday party for Christine, and he just laughed at me. He didn’t make a scene, which I appreciated. And whenever I’m having a stupid girly crisis, he sighs and tells me that I’m crazy, but he still listens and gives advice. And lets not forget that he’s cool with Geoff being over here all the time, which is really important. It would be a lot worse if the three of us couldn’t hang out.


Quote du Jour
“What we need is an ashing trough on the outside of the deck…”


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