Friday, December 23, 2005

Miscellaneous Update

It’s been a while.
Okay, so my first semester of my fourth year is completed. Whoo hoo! Conversely, I just found out that I’ve made a few more then a few mistakes with my classes, have to take 7 more to obtain my degree, rather then the projected 5. Ah well. I guess this is just a really expensive way to procrastinate entering the Real World. I’m okay with it…but I am psyched to finally finish my degree.
I did pretty well in my classes…in fact, this might be the best semester I’ve ever had grade-wise. I just have to wait and see if Mike O’Driscoll destroyed my life or not in English 217…
This break has been awesome so far. I got to have lunch with my lady Christine yesterday, and before that Chelsey and I got trashed and wound up chilling in my apartment all night, just chatting. We talked (and drank!) for a solid 7 hours. It was awesome. Also, I discovered eBay! *everyone that knows my shoe fetish groans*. It’s true y’all. I’ve already bought a gorgeous pair of shoes on eBay. The first of many, I’m certain!
Moving on. I quit working for the tyranny of Bunches, only to return to the tyranny of the Carnies. It’s true; once you start working for One Stop Framing, you never do get out…ah well. It’s a temporary position, so I can make some cash before Reading Week.
Oh! Reading Week! Myself, Geoff, Jordo and his friend James are all going on a ski vacation to Fairmont in B.C! We’ll be staying at the Fairmount Villas for a week, enjoying barbeques, skiing, hot springs, the picturesque mountains, and above all: Relaxing!! It’s going to be great. We just have to figure out how we’re going to get there…I’m sure I’ll think of something brilliant.
Victoria just came for a quick “Merry Christmas” visit. Lovely wine goblets…what a great gift. These things are massive! “I just had one glass…”
I have to admit, I’m all about this brown Christmas. Seriously. I’m going home for a few days during the Christmas break. I’m going to help mum with the enormous Ukrainian feast that will occur tomorrow night. This meal is so huge it takes two days to prepare…my mum is the best cook in the world. I bet she could end wars with her cooking. Mmmm…I can’t wait.
So to all my dear readers, I wish you a fabulous Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Best wishes in this delightful holiday season and all that sappy trash we all pretend is ever so meaningful. Ha ha. But seriously everyone: Merry Christmas.

Quote du Jour
“I won’t buy my cereal based on rappers, but I will buy my butter based on philosophers.”


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