Saturday, November 19, 2005

Fait Accomplit Release Party Synopsi

It was a marvelous release, with very few complications. Sure, I got all bitchy at the lame people who were occupying the area when we were trying to set up, and sure I nearly blew a gasket at all the disorganization at the beginning; but all in all it was pretty good.

Except for the sound.

Fuck. When the rentals for the mikes fell through, and we weren’t able to book ALL of Dewey’s, just the top section of the lounge, I was worried. And as it turned out, I was right to be. The readers were marvelous…I think. I couldn’t hear a damn thing, and either could anyone else. Dammit! But, I think everyone had a pretty good sense of humor about it, and people heard bits and pieces.

So the good parts:

-I feel that I looked right for the occasion; not too dressy, but dressy enough that people knew who to look for in the crowd.

-I also feel that I was a strong reader; when I had to read for others who were too nervous, I think that I did a good job. I did my best at walking around the room, so everyone would hear a little bit. Oh, and I think I did a snazzy job MC-ing. Rumor has it that it wasn’t obvious just how badly I was shaking. Three cheers for wine and false confidence! Whoo!!

-We sold out within the first 20 mins; a new Fait Accomplit record! Also, we had 16 people attend our release last year; this year was a record 42 people! Oh yeah, baby. And not only did we sell out, but we made a profit. First time THAT’S happened in years!

- I want to say thanks to all my friends who made the effort at coming out, and hauling people out with them. Bo and his nifty Rocky Horror loving friend, Chelsey, Christine, and Jordan, thank you a million times over for coming out, supporting me, HELPING ME, and contributing to Fait Accomplit. Really. It meant a lot to see you all sitting there.

-Now that it’s over, and despite all the negative aspects of the night, I would deem it a success. But the best part of it is, I get a month and a half break from all things Fait Accomplit, until it’s time to get the ball rolling for the spring edition. Which, by the way, I have full intentions of shamelessly plugging on this blog, and nagging ya’ll to submit your work. “SUBMIT YOURSELF” will be the next slogan. I sadly came up with it a day too late for this one.

Anyway, now it’s time to return to the work that I’ve been neglecting. This 12 page essay is my personal Dystopia...stupid sci fi class.


Quote du Jour
“It has to be a Synposi. After all, you’re talking about many Synopsis!”


At 12:00 AM, Blogger Варвара said...

I am sorry that I couldn't make it, but I am glad it was a success!!!

At 6:28 AM, Blogger B said...

My friend from that night is named Phil. You can reach him and find links to some of his work here:



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