Monday, November 14, 2005


Yeah, so I fill out one of these about once every year when I’m seriously avoiding the work that I should be doing. Tonight was no exception. So here it is…one of those retarded emails we all get from that friend who’s bored at work, the “about me” email. If ya’ll feel the urge, fill one out about your own bad selves and leave it in the comments for me to enjoy.
And I feel it’s important to stress three imperative reason’s why I’m posting this:

So Chelsey stops threatening me to post
So Bo stops using phrases like “damnation, woman!”
So Geoff has a written source to refer back to about my likes and dislikes that doesn’t involve him putting info into his phone.

1. What time is it? 11:38 p.m.

2. Name: Keltie Samantha Fisk

3. Nickname: Kelt

4. Piercings? Nada

5. What is the most recent movie you've seen? Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (My boyfriend rocks because he puts up with my love of HP. In fact, one might go as far as to say that I am jiggy with the potter)

6. Eye color: Brown…but red during exam week

7. Place of birth: Edmonton

8. Favorite foods: At this point? Something that didn’t cost me any money! Yeah, or you know, a solid red tenderloin.

9. Ever been to Africa : No…not yet.

10. Ever been toilet papering (rolling)? no

11. Love someone so much it made you cry: I refuse to respond to the question on the grounds that it’s far too girly.

12. Been in a car accident: I sure has hell haven’t been in two in the last few months. (cheap shot). Nah, a fender bender in high school.

13. Croutons or bacon bits: Yuck, neither.

14. Favorite day of the week: Sunday morning

15. Favorite restaurant: I’m a huge fan of The Keg. I’m also partial to Olive Garden. Oh, and BP’s, seeing as how it’s a cornerstone of my relationship.

16. Favorite Flower: It’s really all just work to me…but I would have to say dendrobium orchids (stem dyed) and calla lilies.

17. Favorite sport to watch: Skiing, Football.

18. Favorite drink: Beer, Diet Coke, and coffee. The true drink of the champions.

19. Favorite ice cream: It is has the word “maple”, I’m so into it.

20. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney...but then again, they don’t have Yacko, Wacko, OR Dot.

21. Favorite fast food restaurant: Pita Pit, Quizno’s

22. What color is your bedroom carpet? That’s assuming I can actually SEE the carpet in question. But between the dropped eyeliner stains and the mountain of freshly laundered clothing, I would venture to guess a dusty rose color. (that was once simply rose)

23. How many times you failed your driver's test? I didn’t fail…but I DID nearly hit a cat when attempting to parallel park.

24. What happened to the real question here???? The question we should all be asking is what DIDN’T happen to the real question here?

25. Which store would you choose to Max out your credit card ? Pravda. Hands down.

26. What do you do most often when you are bored? Sadly, pick up a book or fill out questionnaires when I’m avoiding Fait Accomplit work. Oh, or visit (read: irritate) my roommate.

27. Bedtime: Sleep is for the weak.

28. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Seeing as how I’m going to kill two birds with one stone and just post it on my blog as a lame cop-out as to Chelsey and Bo’s incessant nagging about my serious lack of post, none.

29. Who are you the most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? I’m sure Chelsey will have some smart-ass remark to share with the world and Christine will mock me about some aspect of it later.

31. Favorite TV shows: If it’s not animated, I don’t bother. (with one exception: Arrested Development). Barring that, Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy and anything that provides distraction from the task at hand.

32. Last person you went to dinner with: My roommate, actually. We made some rather runny taco’s. (“Dammit, Jordan!”) Other then that, my sweetie.

33. Ford or Chevy: My car is a Ford, and I godda say I’m a big fan of my car. But that’s pretty much because it’s red and sorta fast (ish)

34. What are you listening to right now: The sound of my nails on the keys. That and the shitty plumbing in my building. Give it a sec *ambles away* Aerosmith.
35. What is your favorite color: Bloody-murder Red, Burnt Orange

36. How many tattoos do you have: Just the one….”Integrity” written across the middle of my back in Thai.

37. How many pets do you have: Jordan sheds a lot…oh, and my Fish of Spite, Capulet

38. Which came first the chicken or the chicken egg? Clearly, that’s the great epiphany we all experience when we die. I bet a lot of souls are pissed. (“That’s IT? DAMMIT!”)

39. How many people are you sending this e-mail to: Blog. So how many readers? Two. Three if I’m lucky.

40. What would be your favorite anniversary gift? Hello realm of the hypothetical. I’m unwed, BUT. Knowing me and Geoff? Something entirely retarded and really, really cool. Like going to Vegas to pretend that we’ve just met and want to get drunkenly married.
Actually, that’s a GREAT idea. If not…then still something wicked cool.

41. What’s you favorite accent? Geoff’s impression of the Boston Crayfish in Finding Nemo. (“It’s wicked dark down there”)

Oh yeah., What a fantastic waste of time for all parties involved.


Quote du Jour
“Not in my Fantasy Hammock, Keltie…”


At 5:28 PM, Blogger Варвара said...

I just heard Arrested Development is going the way of Futurama.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger B said...

You don't seriously expect me to stop using expressions like that, do you?! :P

All right, I'll just have to swear more and be more sexually suggestive in my day-to-day speech and innuendos. And I was doing so well speaking cleanly! Alas, poor Eunuch.

* * * * *

1. What time is it? "It's 12:22...," "That's right!" /7:00pm

2. Name: Bohdan Slavutych

3. Nickname: Bo

4. Piercings? Hahaha. Nope.

5. What is the most recent movie you've seen? It's scary that I'm having a hard time remembering the answer to this. I'm really not sure. I'll say Schindler's List, since I watched it just before university resumed in Sept. So it is possible I haven't watched a whole movie in over two months. Shocking.

6. Eye color: Bloodshot-brown.

7. Place of birth: Edmonton

8. Favorite foods: Sushi, particularly involving salmon; fresh breads; delicious soups; a well made hamburger, pizza, and steak; sandwiches.

9. Ever been to Africa: Nope, and judging by the size of the fezzes they wear it's going to stay that way.

10. Ever been toilet papering (rolling)? I don't think so, no.

11. Love someone so much it made you cry: It could have happened. I don't remember.

12. Been in a car accident: Only once, when I was about six years old. My grandma was rear-ended by some kids (har har), causing some knee damage from which she never fully recovered.

13. Croutons or bacon bits: Sure.

14. Favorite day of the week: Day off. Lately all my days are equally nondescript and make me unenthusiastic. Some of the nights are more fun.

15. Favorite restaurant: Jekyll & Hyde; Sankyu; the Sawmill. There's probably a few others too, but I'll be damned if I can think of them right now.

16. Favorite Flower: This could get kinky awfully quick. So for now let's just say African Violets (for appearances, not for growing) and pretty ladies in general.

17. Favorite sport to watch: Skiing; curling; billiards.

18. Favorite drink: Coca-Cola; teas; good juice.

19. Favorite ice cream: Vanilla.

20. Disney or Warner Brothers: Props to Keltie for name-dropping Animaniacs. It depends on the show. I'm no more partial to Mickey Mouse than I am to Bugs Bunny. Good entertainment prevails.

21. Favorite fast food restaurant: Louie's Submarine; Quizno's; McDonald's; Burger Baron; Wendy's.

22. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beigey, with dust dust dust. And some lint.

23. How many times you failed your driver's test? Zero times.

24. What happened to the real question here???? "Where was I? I was at home!" I'm wondering what happened to question 30.

25. Which store would you choose to Max out your credit card? Avenue guitars if they had some fun stuff in stock at the time. Otherwise someplace that has a good selection of records/CDs/books. And/or Ebay.

26. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read; sleep; find myself having spent time unproductively.

27. Bedtime: Varies from one night to the next to the next. Usually sometime during the 24-hour day, if possible.

28. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? If anyone will, it will be the webmistress.

29. Who are you the most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? Keltie and/or anyone trapped in a canoe.

31. Favorite TV shows: The Daily Show; The Colbert Report; Harvey Birdman; Family Guy; Fawlty Towers; Monty Python's Flying Circus; The Critic; Poirot; Nero Wolfe.

32. Last person you went to dinner with: My dad and brother.

33. Ford or Chevy: Chevy (of "Raw Chevy Power!"-fame). If the options were expanded: Audi TT.

34. What are you listening to right now: Erik Satie - Piano Works vol. 2.

35. What is your favorite color: Blood/Wine Red. White, black and grey all qualify as close seconds.

36. How many tattoos do you have: Zero.

37. How many pets do you have: None since my mum's 20-year old cat, Tigger, died in 2000.

38. Which came first the chicken or the chicken egg? That's easy: whichever one made the "I'm coming!"-face first came first. If that's not good enough, change the question to "who ate first?" Then the answer is me, and I've eaten the chicken and the egg. Hooray.

39. How many people are you sending this e-mail to: Blog. Just one.

40. What would be your favorite anniversary gift? Someone with whom to celebrate an anniversary would probably be an unspoken first, right? Second place: bouncy-bouncy.

41. What’s you favorite accent? Too many to choose from. Most are wonderful and hilarious.


At 1:31 AM, Blogger Keltie said...

Hey, the man brings up a valid point: what DID happen to question 30??

At 1:36 AM, Blogger Keltie said...

Hey, hey, hey, hey now. Let's not say things that we can't take back, Amber. My Fish of Spite is dirty, but somehow thriving in it's gross Tanmk of Spite.

And I do think that you should fill this out to avoid things. It's a jolly good waste of time.

And Barb, I'm just going to pretend that I didn't read your comment on AD. I simply can't loose Fururama AND Arrested Development!!!!!


At 6:07 PM, Blogger Варвара said...

There there Keltie. Come over to my house and I will comfort you, the only way I know how! ;)

(Also, although I have never seen AD, the only logical conclusion that can be drawn is FOX = ASSHAT.)

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Evil Bunneh said...

Peering into a stranger's life.

1. What time is it? 11:43 am

2. Name: Michael Reid Bennett
3. Nickname: Bodyguard :D

4. Piercings? 2, left ear.

5. What is the most recent movie you've seen? Dukes of Hazzard

6. Eye color: Brown, turning green. (Seriously.)

7. Place of birth: Somewhere you'll not heard of.

8. Favorite foods: At this point? Steak. Big, Juicy, tender, mouth watering steak. *drool*

9. Ever been to Africa : No.

10. Ever been toilet papering (rolling)? I refuse to answer this as it is incriminating.

11. Love someone so much it made you cry: Yes. :D I am in love with...well, you don't know her.

12. Been in a car accident: Yeah. Twice. (And once, nearly barreled into a powerpole.)

13. Croutons or bacon bits: bacon. stale bread pieces? please.

14. Favorite day of the week: any day i don't work.

15. Favorite restaurant: Sorbello's. Or the local noodle bar.

16. Favorite Flower: Rose. Heavy symbolism for life. It's beautiful, but hurt.

17. Favorite sport to watch: Skiing, Football.

18. Favorite drink: Beer, Diet Coke, and coffee. The true drink of the champions. (I ask this... all in the same cup????)

19. Favorite ice cream: chocolate. the best of the flavours.

20. Disney or Warner Brothers:
Warner. Though they both suck.

21. Favorite fast food restaurant: Domino's Pizza!
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? It's wood.

23. How many times you failed your driver's test? 3. Pushbike :(

24. What happened to the real question here???? Got Bling?

25. Which store would you choose to Max out your credit card ? Save your money!

26. What do you do most often when you are bored? internet. always.

27. Bedtime: during the day.

28. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Speedy Gonzales.

29. Who are you the most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? Chelsey also. HURRY UP!

31. Favorite TV shows: Japanese Anime. Or The Simpsons.
32. Last person you went to dinner with: Dad.

33. Ford or Chevy: Pushbike.
34. What are you listening to right now: Korn covering an AC/DC song :D
yay akkadakka!

35. What is your favorite color: Bloody-murder Red (I be stealing this.)

36. How many tattoos do you have: None, yet.

37. How many pets do you have: Do bugs in my room count?

38. Which came first the chicken or the chicken egg? People eat egg. Egg is AN UNBORN CHICKEN FOETUS.

39. How many people are you sending this e-mail to: Chel's strange friend
40. What would be your favorite anniversary gift? A kiss.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Keltie said...

There's nothing strange about me, Mr. Michael Reid Bennett. Well...that you can tell from here, anyway. And as far as question 18. (Favorite drink). Kudos for the thought, but that might be the most stomach-churning thought I've had all week. And it's been a tough week.

Also, SO GLAD someone else likes the phrase "bloody murder red". Everyone else tells me how morbid I am.


At 3:53 AM, Blogger Evil Bunneh said...

Everyone I come into contact with is strange. Yet to figure out if its my viewpoint that makes them seem that way, the people themselves being strange, or the world just throwing things at me. Either way, I like. :D


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