Monday, May 22, 2006

Ohh, Snap!

Saturday was our anniversary. External circumstances put a minor damper on the evening, but it was still fabulous. We decided to go for a romantic dinner at Moxie’s, but it was a bit early to be dining (it was around 7…this is too early for us. You know, us being the “other category” and all.) So on our anniversary, we decided to stroll around Ikea and kill some time. It was fun…though Geoff had a bad experience with an Ikea lamp, and now distrusts everything from the store. (Who hasn’t had an Ikea product fall apart on them? Honestly.) Anyway, after many tasteful jokes about the Swedish (genuine Persian rugs…made in Sweden.) and a few minor jokes about the Irish (green seems to be this seasons “in” color”), we were off to Moxie’s. I had the fantastic chicken oscar. I highly recommend it. A nice dinner and some romantic couple time. What more could I possibly ask for on my anniversary?

And to top it all off, Geoff got me the first two seasons of Sex & the City! He’s so wonderful.

School is not going as well. I’ve pretty much ignored Sociology, and am currently trying to get through a paper on Italian Futurism. I pretty much have no idea what it is, and I petty much don’t care. (examples follow) Ah, academic apathy. I’ve missed you so. Anyway, I’m off to bullshit my way through this paper.

What a waste of a post.


Edouard Manet.
The Absinthe Drinker.
Oil on canvas.
Ny Carlsberg-Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Denmark

This is one example of an Italian Futurist painting. I really like this one...though I can't explain why.

Giacomo Balla
Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash
Oil on Canvas

More futurism. They were big on everything moving dog legs.

Gimme a break.


At 11:52 AM, Blogger Keltie said...

Uh, yeah. About that. Soc 100 is the ultimate Mickey Mouse class. It's a joke. It's all common sense.

It gets harder when you get into actual sociology. Then again, I hated Psych...damn 8am classes.

At 1:58 AM, Blogger Mike Perschon said...

I feel the same way about this class on futurism. What the fuck does this have to do with Comparative Literature? Where the hell is the Literature already?

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Keltie said...

For lack of a better response..amen. I could not have said it better myself. This isn't art history for crying out loud.

At 6:29 PM, Blogger B said...

The reason it might count for/as Comparative Literature is because the futurists largely believed that the past was irrelevant (and many of them believed the same of the present). Only the future is important, and as a result they believed that history should be abandoned and not studied, referenced, or acknowledged. As a sickening amount of literature either alludes to or is aped from past writing, it is an interesting position to side with or against for someone in Comp. Lit..

I'm not a big fan of the ideology of Futurism, but I do like a lot of the artwork.


At 9:40 AM, Blogger Keltie said...

Oh c'mon!!! I'm ranting here!!!

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Keltie said...

Yeah. I'm sure that my 4 years of experience with it pales in comparison to your mighty Soc 30 in Center High.


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