Colourful Purgatory
Does anyone even check to see if I’ve updated anymore?
Well, here’s a shock for my loyal readers. Thank you for having the optimism that I would, in fact, live to blog again. And this is really all because of Chershey, who has inspired me to blog as she has blogged twice and I’m a huge slacker. That, and I miss the Goth club, and secretly hope that Kathrine or Kris occasionally drop by.
The reason that I haven’t blogged is because my life has been the definition of shit lately. My parent’s divorce has gone from murky waters to radioactive waste, and I am right in the middle. I freaked out on Friday morning around 4.00am and wrote them both a huge email that pretty much said, ‘leave me the fuck alone, I can’t handle this with you two, you both suck at life’. I haven’t heard back. I’m okay with it.
For the first time in history, I am also unemployed. See, I was working at Curry Fix, where I loved it. Unfortunately, my boss loved me a little too much, and one night after close…well, he tried to dip the pen in the very unwilling company ink. I got out just fine, but between my parent’s nasty divorce and sexual harassment/minor assault, I can’t say that I got out trauma free. But at least I don’t smell like curry any more.
So all this has compounded with the fact that I have only one class that is the obstacle between me and my degree, and I fucking hate it. I hate the university, I hate the class time, I hate the labs, I hate the class days, I hate my classmates, and I especially hate the fact that I shouldn’t even be there, and had I of gotten 2 more answers correct on my stats final in August, I would have my fucking degree and working in the real world. If I was working, I wouldn’t have my father saying things like, ‘You are a huge financial burden, and I resent it.’ LOVE YOU TOO, DAD.
In an ironic twist, I particularly like the prof that I have for this class.
Anyway, after I hit rock bottom and found out what true depression is actually like, I decided that I’ve had enough. I told off my parents, reported my (now ex) boss to the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission, made and appointment with a shrink, and decided to buckle down and study. Which brings us up to date. Keltie is back, and she’s pissed off that she was gone for so long. I’ve let other people control my feelings for waaay too long, without even realizing it! How did I even let that happen?
Anyway, not all is doom and gloom. Some pretty cool things have happened. I cut off more then a foot of hair in January, and I still really like the resulting cut. If I have any half decent pictures, I’ll post ‘em. Did you know that if you cut off more then a foot of hair, you can donate it to wigs for cancer? I was all ‘yay, I can help someone out!’ till I got told that I had dye in the hair I had just cut off, and they couldn’t donate it. What the fuck??? Just toss it in a vat of peroxide and re-dye it whatever colour the person wants! Seriously. What a retarded rule.
Also, Geoff and I have smooth sailings on calm seas. In fact, he’s been incredibly supportive through this difficult time. Plus, we ‘get’ each other, which I think is pretty fabulous. Last night he and I were out smoking , and this was our conversation:
K: Do you realize that it’s been forever since we had a fight?
G: Yeah, I guess that’s true. Why do you suppose that is?
K: I don’t really know.
G: pffft. *mutters* Bitch.
K: *pushes Geoff into the wall* Hey, hey hey. Watch it, buddy.
*laugh. Kiss.*
And scene.
Anyway, the point is that we’re getting along famously. Oh, and we just bought a fantastic new mattress. Its so soft that it feels like a gigantic hug for your body. Its awesome.
I have a mid-term this week that involves a lot of math, but on the plus side, then comes reading week. Geoff, Chelsey, me and maybe Dale are all going up to Fairmont, just like we did last reading week. There will be relaxation and goodtimes abounds. I’m pretty psyched.
Oh! And Turk is less bitey and more loving. He’s getting better with the hop ‘n fly, as well as steering as he falls downwards. He just warbles happily to himself all day. And yes, he is still totally obsessed with his own reflection. I love my narcissistic bird so much.
But now I shall go study for that pesky mid-term.
I am a loyal reader. And I'm glad you're posting again. Viva la Gothic Club!
I stop by occasionally too. Hopefully your life will turn down the suck soon, Keltie.
My apologies for missing the last G-Club meeting. I held out hope until the last, but then--homework. The good news is I just finished my last paper for last semester. Now I can try to catch up on this one.
And I will totally be beating people up come August for messing with my Keltie. >:0
*sends you a hell of a lot of love*
I promise to get my shit together as soon as I can. Hopefully we can all get together when all the crap settles down for everyone.
P.S. You hair looks fantastic.
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