Thursday, July 28, 2005

A masterful use of the word “snog”

Getting accepted to University, seeing Steven Tyler perform live, and the way I felt when I cracked open “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” are among the most exhilarating moments in my life. Okay, sure, I’ve done lots of other exciting things in my life. But reading that masterpiece was definitely up there.
So kids, I godda say, that when I sat in my favorite red chair in my living room, I hadn’t honestly planned on not moving for the next 11 hours. But God help me, I wasn’t about to leave Harry, Ron, and Hermione for anything. It was awesome. I’m not going to delve too deeply into the plot, as some of you might not have read it yet, or become entranced by Rowling’s spell (no pun intended), but I will say that I was impressed. It was like a visit from that really old friend that you rarely ever see, but have no problems catching up with when you do see them. Sure, I now have to live off of soda crackers for the next week because I didn’t bother to wait for the soft cover to come out. But dammit, it was worth it.


Quote du Jour
“Harry was left to ponder in silence the depths to which girls would sink to get revenge”
- J. K Rowling

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I admit that I’m the worst slacker ever when it comes to blogging these days. All I’ve been doing is working and seeing my family, friends, and sweetie. This leaves surprisingly little time for sitting down at my computer and just blogging about nothing.
Still, the free time that has been otherwise occupied has been fun. I love the fact that liquor flows so abundantly in the summertime. Don’t get me wrong-I still that have uber-nerdy mentality of “I can’t get loaded tonight, I have work/school/some other nerdy priority” tomorrow morning.”. I must admit that I did a fair job of destroying this mentality on Saturday when we went out to the Riverbend Boston Pizza’s. But that wasn’t really my doing, it was more Geoff looking at me in his sardonic fashion and pointing out that I’m not 50 years old, don’t have kids, and put far too much emphasis on “mature and responsible” decisions. I decided he was right, and had a great night fueled by beer, supported by great conversation, and completed by a drunken saunter home with three of my favorite guys (yes, believe it or not, that actually includes Zan. I mean, we did get engaged. I have to include him at some point.). For those of you who are wondering, Zan and I decided that when we’re 65 and unwed, we’ll get married out of desperation so that we can have a spouse to torture, humiliate, and ultimately share our misery. I can’t quite recall WHY we made this agreement, but I’m sure we knew what we were doing. Anyway, it was a super night with my fabulous roomie Jordan, his buddy and my apparent fiancé Zan, my wonderful boyfriend Geoff, and my favorite co-workers Krista and Alex. To round off the party was Alex’s fiancé Simon, who I quite liked. Vic and Aaron also joined us briefly, but had other people to see. All in all, it was a good night. With the exception of jumping down off the bar stool and running outside ever time a cigarette was wanted.
Which brings me to my other rant about this no smoking in bars shit. I HATE the fact that we all have to heard outside and light up. It’s a total joke, I’m not a big fan of the interesting drunken men that we encounter when we go out. I hate getting leered at the best of times, when I’ve been drinking and I’m feisty it’s far worse. I didn’t do anything, and fought to keep the sarcasm at a minimum, but if this is a pattern that is going to continue, then I might have to think about quitting. I’ve actually given it a lot of thought lately. It’s such a stupid thing to do, and I just know that Geoff is going to try and quit this winter. I don’t smoke inside my home, car, or work, so really that just leaves me the -40 bullshit to deal with. So am I going to quit? Maybe. Let the temperature call the shots.
So last night I had an interesting experience. My apartment was empty, so I did my hair all cute, and made sure I looked decent. I lit a candle and invited Geoff over…when he got here, he declared a deep hankering for some Die Hard, and I wound up feeling my cute hair go flat, my cute outfit get wrinkled, and witnessed Bruce Willis pretend to be superhuman with blood, guns, and explosions for three hours. Any other time, I would have been pissed. But I was just content to be with him, and didn’t even mind watching a formulaic action film for three hours. He even got a back massage while watching the film. I guess this experience just proves that there are varying ways to attain intimacy, and weirdly enough, Die Hard wasn’t all that shabby a method.
Oh, and can I just add on a nice little “fuck you” to all those who were lucky enough to obtain the new Harry Potter book? It’s Harry Potter or basic living, and as it is, I’m thinking I might just live off soda crackers for a week so I can buy the book. And the “fuck you” is only intended for those who can’t keep their mouths shut about it.

Okay kids, I have to add this into my blog. I found it on Jdot’s, and I liked it, so I’m just going to directly copy and paste the one we did together

I found this on Guillaume's blog (i've made a few minor changes)

:01. Reply with your name and I will write something short about you.
02. I will then tell what literary work that I think aptly characterizes you.
03. If I were to apply a day of the week to you, it would be...
04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
08. Put this in your journal.

Now I'll give you an example of what my response might be. I'll use what he wrote about me.

1. Keltie
2. valley of the dolls
3. Wednesday afternoon
4. calculating
5. vic and aarons bbq
6. definatley a cat

7. why do you trust my opinion about your shoes?
C’mon. It’s uber-nerdy fun.

Anyway, that’s it for now. See ya on the flip side.


Quote du Jour
“Othello is the shit!”

Friday, July 08, 2005

University students + Blood alcohol level of high school students = Mentality of Jr. high students.

Hello dear readers. Today, I have no inner reveling, nor do I have any insightful dialogue or amazing stories of my life written in first person. All I have for you today is a tale of drunken wonderment that Chesley and I pursued with a vengeance. See, around 8:00 at work, I was saddened because my momentous plans for the evening included reading Valley of the Dolls for the zillionth time, and missing my sweetie, who was attending a work-related function. So I called Chesley, and suggested that we get rowdy. Chel, being an inherent rummy at heart, readily agreed. So after work she came over, and as always, with Chelsey comes shots. I musts reiterate; we were on a mission of rowdiness. So a long story short, we drank shots for a bit, then moved on to some lovely pina colada mixture that I’m sure my neighbors must have just loved me for, seeing as how it involved a very loud blender in the middle of the night. Anyway, as Chelsey, Jdot and I were hanging out and listening to Chelsey’s music, my sweetie dropped by! It was a wonderful surprise, I was so happy to see him. So the four of us hung out for a while, discussing the virtues of Panasonic vs Canon camera equipment, and the level of Chelsey’s intoxication. Sadly, Geoff departed, so the three of us hung out on the futon outside. Time passed, as time is wont to do, and Jdot retired for bed, seeing as how he had to work early. So now it was just the two girls and a whole lot of booze. We had some more to drink, and decided that 2am is obviously the best time for a stroll around my neighborhood. We went and found a park, with some decidedly high structures on it. Laughing and stumbling ensued, as I witnessed Chelsey dizzy herself on a swing (brilliant thing to do whilst drunk), and attempt to climb the structures with me. I have little to no grace, but I still remained the queen of dexterity in comparison to her. Anyway, on the jaunt back to my place, we ran into three other hoodlums who were on the mean streets of Riverbend at 3:30 in the morning, Chelsey was convinced that a fire hydrant and a sandbag were both bunnies (on two completely separate occasions), and we pondered the ultimate coolness of sitting alone in one’s darkened living room playing ominous muszak on a keyboard, while pining for a lost childhood sweetheart. (at least someone was cooler then us last night.). Anyway, upon returning to my place, we had some more to drink, and decided that checking out the pool at 4am was definitely a good idea. I mean, what could be safer then two drunk girls, unsupervised, attempting to re-create the synchro routine they had a decade ago in a large concrete crevice? Anyway, we splashed around, did some laps, and raced a bit. We were getting a bit bored, when I discovered the rubber balls. Shit, we were entertained for another solid hour, drunkenly spiking the ball a la volleyball and smashing it into one another’s faces. We also floated on them, bounced them off all available surfaces, pretended that they were unborn children, and made vulgar references to any body part that could conceivably be round. We also laughed our heads off, and relished being two highly intelligent university students who had the mentality of twelve year olds. We swam and watched the dawn break through the windows of the pool, until I pointed out that booze, towels, and cigarettes lived on the fourth floor, and we were on the first. Chelsey agreed to the first two, and threw me a dirty look for the latter. Anyway, we came back upstairs, and enjoyed a faux-nightcap on the balcony as we watched the sky turn from charcoal to pink, and mocked all the WASP-y looking neighbors of mine who were crawling into their Landrovers to go to the office at 5:30 in the morning, when we still had not slept. As 6am rolled around, we decided that although we weren’t dead tired, it might be a good plan to get some sleep, as the birds chirping in the trees were a constant reminder that most Normal people were starting their day as we were ending ours.

Quote du Jour
“I find that it’s easier to answer questions when they’re in font.”