Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Give us your babies!

Greetings All!

Another year, another round of harassing my creative, beautiful, and talented friends. You all know what that means-Fait Accomplit is on the go again, and I want to encourage all of you to share your creative side with the world!

What is she babbling on about? Let me fill ya in…

You know, that precious little thing you hide under your bed yet are still desperate to show someone…

The fall edition of fait accomplit is currently seeking submissions! Any prose, poetry or pretty pictures you would like to send our way must make in by October 21st. We’re interested in a variety of themes, languages and sizes, but only want your best. We accept entries from anyone, anywhere, from people both on and off campus, world-wide. Poetry and prose will be accepted in any language, and there is no minimum or maximum length requirement. Photographs can be black and white or colour, however they will be published in black and white.

Written or photographic submissions have no thematic restrictions, though publication will be up to the discretion of the editorial board.
Send your submissions electronically, preferably in Word or JPEG format, to Or, deliver them to our mailbox in 1-53 Humanities.

This is a great way to build a portfolio, get some recognition, or just plain ‘ole express yourself. Join in, what have you got to lose?

Feel free to contact either myself our editorial board with any questions, concerns, comments, or queries!


Keltie Fisk
Fait Accomplit President

And yes, you likely DID get this in the form of an email. And no, I have no issue with using my blog as a shameless plug for FA.


Monday, September 26, 2005

Oh yeah. I'm dating -That Guy-

"When it comes to boobs...I'm Rainman!"

There’s a lot of lamenting done about relationships. Some people aren’t happy, some feel that it’s too much work, and others can’t find that person to make it work with. I used to count myself among those people, and Lord knows I did enough relationship bitching when I began this Blog. But since Geoff and I started dating, I noticed that my mindset has changed. Now, I know what you’re thinking. And no, this isn’t about to get all mushy. But I do want to share with you a few things that I’ve discovered over the last few months.

-The Disclaimer Talk is the absolute best possible conversation to have following the establishment of a relationship. Just get it all out of the way, and if things get sticky down the road, then at least you can point out that they have been forewarned.

-Formulaic drivel belongs solely to the movies and Fabio. A kiss on the forehead has the potential to say volumes more then “I love you more then the sun…the moon….blah.”

-One of the most romantic dates is sitting on the couch in sweats and laughing at a sitcom. (In our case, Scrubs.)

-If he says he’s not thinking anything…he’s not thinking anything. Just accept it and move forward with your life.

-If she says she wants to talk…see above statement.

-It is possible to have a big relationship talk and watch a cartoon at the same time. This is why God gave us commercials.

-Pillow talk is overrated. And following that:

-It is also possible to have a conversation comprised entirely of sarcasm.

-Pet names should never coincide with a food product.

-Don’t get bent out of shape over stupid little incidences. Relax, let the little things go. Everyone needs a victory once in a while.

And by far, the biggest and most important relationship lesson I’ve learned:

-Don’t be too serious. If the relationship is meant to be serious, then it will take it’s natural course. Better to enjoy the journey then to soley focus on the destination. And above all else: laugh together and have fun. (And yes, this is much easier said then done.)

Now, I’m not a relationship guru, and I’m definitely not about to claim that I’m in the most problem-free relationship ever. There will be rough patches, fights, disagreements, and lots of problems in our future. But at the moment, I think these little lessons that I’ve learned have contributed to something pretty incredible.

(Okay. So there was some mush.)


Friday, September 23, 2005

You’ve come a long way, baby.

Four years ago, I prided myself on the amount of shoes in my closet, and defined myself by being one of the popular people. Three years ago, I prided myself on the amount of shoes and purses in my closet, and defined myself by taking on Project Fixit. Two years ago I prided myself on the amount of shoes, purses and sunglasses in my closet, and defined myself by being an academic bookworm. One year ago I prided myself on the amount of shoes, purses, sunglasses and perfumes in my closet, and defined myself by being a feminist. Today, I pride myself on actually owning a closet, and define myself as being Me. (Plus I have a lot of really cool accessories). My point is, we’ve all changed a lot these past few years. I look around at my loved ones, and I see such a significant metamorphosis in all of us. It makes me reel to think that it’s only just beginning. We all have such major milestones to come to, be it getting married, obtaining a degree (or three) or traveling the world. We’ve all done so much, and have so much more to tackle. It’s exhilarating, terrifying, and liberating all at the same time.

Bring it on.


Quote du Jour
"Clearly a minor epiphany...ignore! Ignore! "